ACCRALAW Senior Partner Clarence Darrow C. Valdecantos was recently recognized by International Advisory Experts (IAE) as the Employment Law Lawyer of the Year in the Philippines.
The awardees of the IAE 2022 Awards were selected based on nominations from in-house counsel, legal and financial firms, Linkedin members, and IAE subscribers. The judging panel considered the nominees’ testimonials, rankings, and client performances.
Mr. Valdecantos is the Head of the Firm’s Labor and Employment Department. He specializes in various areas of labor and employment laws which include, among others, labor litigation, collective bargaining negotiations, preventive mediation and conciliation of labor disputes, strikes and lockouts, union representation issues, certification elections, and voluntary arbitration cases.
IAE is the “world’s leading referral network,” with member firms who are “territory experts and leaders in their jurisdictions.”