Point of Law

31 May 2018 Point of Law

Portrait of a statesman

On May 13, 2018, the nation mourned the loss of one of the greatest statesmen to have served the country: Sen. Edgardo J. Angara.
25 May 2018 Point of Law

Legal robots

In the past, it was thought that only simple jobs could be replaced by technology. However, with the onset of artificial intelligence (AI), even work which requires legal analysis is about to face stiff competition.
3 May 2018 Point of Law

Right to travel

After years of uncertainty, the Supreme Court (SC) finally laid to rest whether the Department of Justice, through its chief, may issue hold departure orders (HDOs) and watchlist orders (“WLOs”) to prevent people under investigation from leaving the country.
19 April 2018 Point of Law

Whatever happened to ‘My Husband’s Lover’ bill?

With the recent progress of House Bills 6027 and 6595, more popularly known as the divorce bill and same-sex marriage bill, respectively, proponents say the Philippines is set to finally join the ranks of countries that have modernized their laws on marriage and family relations.
5 April 2018 Point of Law

Making light of perjury

Perjury is one of the vilest crimes that one can commit. With the stroke of a pen or slip of the tongue, it can ruin a man’s reputation, or worse, send him to a detention cell or prison.
22 March 2018 Point of Law

TRAIN’s bells and alarms

Just a few days after it took effect, the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) law has set off more than just a few alarms. In addition to allegations it was procedurally infirm (there is a pending case in the Supreme Court challenging it), TRAIN has been criticized as being antipoor.

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