Amicus Curiae

3 July 2024 Amicus Curiae

Engaging individual independent contractors in the Philippines

Contracting out of services is recognized and allowed under Articles 106 to 109 of the Philippine Labor Code. These provisions are implemented by Department of Labor and Employment (“DOLE”) Department Order No. 147-17 (“DO 174”) which defines “contracting” or “subcontracting” as an “arrangement whereby a principal agrees to farm out with a contractor the performance or completion of a specific job or work within a definite or predetermined period, regardless of whether such job or work is to be performed or completed within or outside the premises of the principal.”
26 June 2024 Amicus Curiae

A reasonable expectation of privacy in the modern workplace

Technological advancements continue to reshape our work environment. Nowadays, employers rely on Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) and other performance management tools to ensure the efficient tracking of employee performance and productivity, whether from a remote or in-office set-up.
21 June 2024 Amicus Curiae

Strengthening Consumer Trust: BSP’s New Redress Mechanism for Electronic Fund Transfers in the Philippines

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of digital payments in the Philippines, leading to a widespread preference for mobile wallets and card payments even as COVID-19 restrictions ease.
21 June 2024 Amicus Curiae

AI Alarm – Evaluating Current Developments in Copyright

Fair use is the bedrock of creativity. It allows artists to produce versions of music, authors to quote from novels, and educators to enhance learning materials.
20 June 2024 Amicus Curiae

Making Revenge Travel More Accessible for Every Juan: The New Philippine Passport Act

After being held back by virtue of the global pandemic, “revenge travel” is a consequential trend resulting from border openings as well as lifting of travel restrictions.
19 June 2024 Amicus Curiae

Creating, more or less?

CREATE Act was enacted on 3 February 2021. Based on the data from Department of Finance, a total of 910 projects with total investments of Php 1.02 trillion varying across priority sectors listed in the Strategic Investment Priority Plan have been approved under the CREATE Act as of 2023.

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