ACCRALAW Partner Christopher Louie D. Ocampo, along with other members of Asia Young Lawyers of Meritas, Ms. Noor Sumaeya Sofea Shamsudin (Malaysia), Ms. Bunga F. Wijayanti (Indonesia), and Mr. Kohei Honda (Japan), presented a study on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to employment and retention of young lawyers in the legal profession within the Asia-Pacific region.
Officially entitled, “Talent Retention amid the Great Resignation: What Would Make Young Lawyers Stay with their Organizations?”, the study conducted by Mr. Ocampo and his colleagues was supported by survey results from 234 Gen Z and Millennial lawyers from 12 different jurisdictions in Asia, particularly China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. The study touched upon pressing issues within the legal community such as the factors surrounding the mass resignation of lawyers and the feasibility of a return to full face-to-face work arrangements, among others.
Mr. Ocampo is the Co-Chair of the Asia Young Lawyers of Meritas. He is likewise a member of the Young Lawyer Advisory Board of Meritas. Meritas is the premiere global alliance of 184 top-ranking law firms across 91 countries. ACCRALAW is a Meritas member firm.