On 5 August 2023, ACCRALAW Partner Louie John D. Lood delivered a lecture entitled “The Ties that Bind Labor and Employment” during the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Seminar organized by the Integrated Bar of the Philippines Cebu City Chapter and the University of San Carlos School of Law. The seminar was held at City Sports Club, Cebu City.
Mr. Lood discussed the latest labor jurisprudence covering topics on probationary employment, project employment, and contracting arrangements, among others. He also discussed the latest issuances of the Department of Labor and Employment (“DOLE”), including DOLE Department Order (“DO”) No. 237, Series of 2022 on the Revised Telecommuting Rules, as well as DOLE DO No. 238, Series of 2023 on the Revised Rules on Labor Inspection.

Mr. Lood is a litigation practitioner and specializes in labor and employment, torts and damages, and environmental disputes. He holds office at the Firm’s Cebu Branch.