Joselito M. Bautista on Philippine Real Estate Law

In photo: Officials and members of the Research and Training Institute of the Ministry of Justice and the International Civil and Commercial Law Centre of Japan, and speakers and panelists at the “Symposium on Laws and Practices of Real Estate in Southeast Asia” held on 26 October 2023 in Osaka, Japan.

On 26 October 2023, ACCRALAW Partner Joselito M. Bautista participated as a speaker and panelist at the “Symposium on Laws and Practices of Real Estate in Southeast Asia”. The symposium, which was held in Osaka, Japan, was jointly organized by the Research and Training Institute (“RTI”) of the Ministry of Justice and the International Civil and Commercial Law Centre Foundation (“ICCLC”) of Japan.

The event is part of the two-year project of RTI and ICCLC to study the legal systems and practices in relation to real estate among Japan’s neighboring countries, particularly the Philippines, Indonesia, Laos, and Cambodia. The project also included interviews with specialists in real estate practice and field surveys by group members.

Second photo from the left: ACCRALAW Partner Joselito M. Bautista discusses real estate laws and regulations in the Philippines.

Mr. Bautista provided an overview of real estate laws in the Philippines, with particular emphasis on the significance of the Torrens system, and discussed nationality restrictions on land ownership and various modes of possessing real estate in the Philippines. He also spoke on current developments on Philippine laws and regulations affecting real estate ownership. The symposium ended with a panel discussion where all speakers addressed queries from the audience.

Mr. Bautista is a Partner and the Monitor of the Firm’s Corporate and Special Projects Department. He advises clients on real estate and foreign investments, M&A, banking, as well as financial technology, among others. He was recognized by IFLR1000 in 2022 and 2023 and was Highly Regarded for the practice areas of Real Estate and Real Estate Acquisitions, as well as Banking, M&A, Technology and Telecommunications, and Utilities. He was likewise a Recommended Lawyer by the Legal 500 Asia Pacific for 2020 and 2021.

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