ACCRALAW’s Senior Legal Counsel, Francisco Ed. Lim has been recognized as Commended External Counsel of the Year 2022-2023 for the Philippines by In-House Community.
The Commended External Counsel of the Year 2022-2023 awards of In-House Community “serves as a testament to the invaluable partnership between private practice lawyers and in-house legal teams.” Awardees are “selected through recommendations, votes and testimonials from the in-house counsel and other buyers of legal services in Asia and Middle East”. The award “highlights the crucial role played by these legal professionals in extending and enhancing the capabilities of in-house legal departments.”
Mr. Lim served as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) from 2004 to 2010. During his stint at the PSE, he also held key positions in various institutions such as the Securities Clearing Corporation of the Philippines, the Capital Market Development Center, Inc., the Philippine Stock Exchange Foundation, Inc., the Philippine Dealing and Exchange Corporation, and the Securities Investors Protection Fund. Mr. Lim also served as the Co-Chairperson of the Rules on e-Commerce and Notaries Public sub-committees of the Supreme Court, and a member of the sub-committees on Commercial Courts, Evidence, and DNA Evidence.