Senior Associate

Samantha Beatrice P. King

Practice Areas

Master of Laws
Columbia University, USA, 2022
Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar

Juris Doctor
University of the Philippines, 2017

Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature
University of the Philippines, 2013
magna cum laude

(632) 8-830-8000, Loc. 8251

Ms. King has handled significant transactions and complex litigation, including: 

  • Claims arising from the dengue vaccine controversy; 
  • Successfully defending a major international car company against consumer complaints before the Department of Trade and Industry; 
  • Assistance in defending the Central Bank of the Philippines in a challenge against its authority to summarily close a bank; 
  • Obtaining a significant damages award in the Construction Industry Arbitration Commission for a major contractor; 
  • Handling criminal cases as private prosecutor and defense lawyer for major local and international corporations and prominent individuals; 
  • Matrimonial settlement and disputes, including obtaining recognition of a foreign divorce judgment

Ms. King was managing editor of the Philippine Law Review and apprenticed in the Office of the Chief Justice and Office of the Solicitor General.

Ms. King obtained her Master of Laws degree from Columbia Law School, where she graduated as a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar. She also served as staff editor of the Columbia Science and Technology Law Review, reviewing exciting publications about the internet, blockchain, biotechnology, data privacy, social media, and the intersection of technology with traditional legal fields such as contracts and evidence.

Ms. King was admitted to the Philippine Bar in 2018 and is a member of the Makati City Chapter of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines.

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