Jefferson M. Marquez gives Labor Law Updates

Jefferson M. Marquez is a Senior Partner of ACCRALAW. He currently heads the Firm’s Cebu Branch. His field of expertise is Labor and Employment. To address the needs of clients, Mr. Marquez gives talks on labor law updates. To date, he has given various lectures on Executive Order No. 51 and other developments on labor-only contracting.

He gave a talk entitled “Essentials of a Compliant Service Agreement in Labor Contracting and Applicable Labor Jurisprudence” during the General Membership Meeting of the Philippine Association of Local Service Contractors (PALSCON)-Cebu held on 26 January 2018 at the City Sports Club Cebu.

He also shared his insights during the forum sponsored by the People Management Association of the Philippines, Inc., and the University of San Carlos Lex Circle on “President Duterte’s Policy Direction on Labor Contractualization”. Department of Labor and Employment Secretary Honorable Silvestre H. Bello III was the Guest Speaker at that forum held on 23 February 2018 at the Cebu Country Club.

Mr. Marquez also gave a talk entitled on “President Duterte’s Executive Order No. 51 on Labor Contracting” during the General Membership Meeting of the People Management Association of the Philippines Cebu, Inc. Shenna Jane T. Parado, an associate with the Firm’s Cebu Branch, served as co-speaker and she discussed the salient features of Executive Order No. 51. acted as Co-Speaker to discuss the salient features of Executive Order No. 51. That talk was held last 25 May 2018 at the City Sports Club Cebu.

Mr. Marquez also gave a talk entitled on “President Duterte’s Executive Order No. 51 on Labor Contracting” during the General Membership Meeting of the People Management Association of the Philippines Cebu, Inc. Shenna Jane T. Parado, an associate with the Firm’s Cebu Branch, served as co-speaker and she discussed the salient features of Executive Order No. 51. That talk was held last 25 May 2018 at the City Sports Club Cebu.

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