The Role of Millenial Lawyers in Shaping the Future of Philippine Legal Profession

Christopher Louie D. Ocampo, ACCRALAW’s Senior Associate, was one of the guest speakers at the International Development and Security Cooperation (IDSC) live podcast on 15 August 2020 on the topic of “The Future of Philippine Legal Profession: How Millennial Lawyers Will Reshape the Judiciary”.

IDSC is an international non-profit organization that focuses on research and education on international development and security issues. It has recently guested 25 scholars and scientists from 13 countries in six continents, interviewing them on wide-ranging topics from global security to health security and international relations.

Mr. Ocampo shared his thoughts on reforming the Philippine Bar Examinations. He suggested computerization of the exam and adding a component to test the analytical, practical, and communication skills of the examinees.

He also shared his insights how law schools quickly adapted to online or virtual learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While the online setting cannot approximate the law school classroom experience, it may still be effective as long as the syllabus is clear, structured, detailed, and a definite plan with objectives for each online session. He encourages online sessions to involve active student participation.

Mr. Ocampo is currently a faculty member at the University of the Philippines College of Law (UP Law) where he teaches Agency & Partnership and Legal History. He is also a faculty member at the De La Salle University College of Law (DLSU Law) where he teaches Mergers & Acquisitions. As a Senior Associate at ACCRALAW, his practice areas include litigation, arbitration, banking and finance, anti-trust and trade regulation, and construction, among others.

The other guests on the podcast were other lawyers, Reiner Raul R. Yebra, Undersecretary of Department of Transportation and Ryan P. Oliva, Assistant Professor at UP Law and Division Chief at the Department of Tourism. The podcast was hosted by IDSC Co-Founder Dr. Chester Cabalza.

The podcast was simultaneously broadcast on Zoom and livestreamed on IDSC’s Facebook page. It has reached more than 5,000 viewers and listeners.

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