A Bar Methods Lecture for New Recruits

To date, ACCRALAW has hired 45 associates who are scheduled to join the Firm after they take the 2020/2021 Bar Examinations. 

The Firm’s Managing Partner, Emerico O. De Guzman, Co-Managing Partner, Patricia-Ann T. Prodigalidad, and Hiring Partner, Ana Teresa Lourdes A. Oracion formally welcomed our new associates during a virtual get together last 10 September 2021. To represent the Firm’s branches in Cebu and Davao, also present were Senior Partner Maria Iolanda B. Abella from the Cebu Branch and Partner Myra S. Montecalvo-Quilatan from the Davao Branch.

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During that get together, Ms. Prodigalidad who ranked 1st in the 1996 Bar Examinations, and Partner Eric R. Recalde who ranked 3rd in the 2002 Bar Examinations also gave a special talk on bar review and exam-taking. Senior Legal Counsel Francisco Ed. Lim also shared his insights. He was the Mercantile Law Examiner during the 2019 Bar Examinations. The bar methods lecture was entitled “Tips, Tricks and True Tales”. 

It has been ACCRALAW’s policy to hire the outstanding graduates of the leading law schools in the Philippines to join its Head Office in Taguig City and its Branches in Cebu and Davao. ACCRALAW looks forward to the addition of 45 new associates.

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