Localization and Cross-Border Data Transfers: Asia Update

With businesses heavily reliant on data, particularly, personal information of customers and employees alike, it is important to be guided on the applicable rules on data privacy and protection. Also, data storage, sharing, and transfer are no longer domestic affairs. Thus, a webinar on cross-border data transfers was timely.

With the participation of ACCRALAW Partner Chrysilla Carissa P. Bautista, the Philippine Bar Association (PBA) conducted a webinar entitled “Localization and Cross-Border Data Transfers: Asia Update” last 24 March 2023. It was a joint project by the PBA and LAWASIA.

The webinar featured different speakers and panelists from Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines. Ms. Bautista acted as moderator.

Ms. Bautista is also a Trustee and Treasurer of the PBA.

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