ACCRALAW Partner John Paul M. Gaba’s Article on Data Privacy Featured in Asia Business Law Journal

ACCRALAW Partner John Paul M. Gaba’s article on data privacy was featured in Asia Business Law Journal.

In an article entitled Keeping Watch on Data Privacy: Philippines, Mr. Gaba traced the roots of Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA), and the governing laws prior to its passage. He then delved into the types of personal information and processors covered by the DPA, and the exemptions. He also discussed the differences between “personal information” and “sensitive personal information” and the different requirements prescribed for their lawful processing. He also wrote about the requirement of consent, the rights of data subjects extensively outlined under the DPA, and general principles on security of personal information, and accountability for transferring personal information.

Mr. Gaba also outlined the threshold and other criteria for mandatory registration among different sectors in general, and enumerated the critical sectors covered by the same mandatory registration requirement regardless of the number or volume of data subjects or personal information being processed.

Mr. Gaba ended with a discussion on the penalties imposable under the DPA, including those for breaches.

Mr. Gaba leads ACCRALAW’s Data Privacy & Security Group. He has assisted various foreign and local clients in complying with the requirements of the DPA, published several articles on data privacy and data protection, and regularly conducts lectures on the same subject. He was identified in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2021 Editorial as a recommended lawyer in the practice area of Intellectual Property.

Read the full article here.

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