Amicus Curiae

The Supreme Court’s New Perspective on an Old Issue

On Nov. 11, 2020, the Supreme Court promulgated a landmark decision involving the fundamental equality between women and men before the law. In Alanis v. Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court ruled on a legitimate child’s right to use and adopt his mother’s maiden name — a matter which not only allows a legal option for the use of a surname, but also elevates the level of mothers from a legal perspective.

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The Employee’s Right to Receive or Refuse a Vaccine

In a few weeks from now, Metro Manila and parts of the country will mark their first anniversary of being placed under some form of community quarantine. At least until the end of February, Metro Manila and seven other major cities or regions will remain under the General Community Quarantine regime, while other parts of the country will be under the more lenient Modified General Community Quarantine.

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Ministerial Function: A Closer Look at the Congress’s Role in Certifying Presidential and Vice-Presidential Election Results

On 20 January 2021, Former United States Vice President Joseph R. Biden was finally sworn in as the 46th President of the United States of America. However, his path towards the presidency was not without its challenges. Aside from the campaign obstacles brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, President Biden had to face the most unorthodox politician of modern day, former U.S. President Donald J. Trump, who, even before the elections, declared that the only way to lose his seat would be through a large-scale election fraud.

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New DOLE Guidelines for Additional Protection of Kasambahay

In a recent survey conducted by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), about 1.4 million Filipinos are working as domestic workers or “kasambahay.” They consist of about 3.2% of the labor force in the Philippines as of October 2020. The kasambahay is often considered an essential member in many households across the country. But despite their important role, however, their benefits under the law are often disregarded.

New DOLE Guidelines for Additional Protection of Kasambahay Read More »

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