Amicus Curiae

Establishment of Joint Ventures for Purposes of Undertaking Public-Private Partnership Projects

The significant and indispensable role of the private sector in the delivery of high-quality infrastructure and basic services to the public has long been recognized. Pursuant to its Build-Better-More Program, the Philippine government aims to focus on establishing infrastructure projects which are critical to the country’s development.

Establishment of Joint Ventures for Purposes of Undertaking Public-Private Partnership Projects Read More »

Beyond and within borders: PHL’s participation in the BEPS Inclusive Framework may need reconsidering

As digital technologies evolve and reshape the global economy, they pose increasingly complex taxation challenges. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) seeks to address these tax challenges through the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) 2.0 project, the Two-Pillar Approach: Pillar One (re-allocation of taxing rights) and Pillar Two (global minimum taxation).

Beyond and within borders: PHL’s participation in the BEPS Inclusive Framework may need reconsidering Read More »

Optimizing Business Recovery with Court-Mandated Guidelines for Notification in Financial Rehabilitation Proceedings

Business organizations, like any other ventures, are not immune to the complexities of economic downturns that may be brought about by volatile market conditions, shifting consumer preferences, or unforeseen global events.

Optimizing Business Recovery with Court-Mandated Guidelines for Notification in Financial Rehabilitation Proceedings Read More »

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