
ACCRALAW as Counsel for DoubleDragon in its PHP 9.1 Billion Debt Securities Program

ACCRALAW acted as counsel to the Joint Issue Managers, Joint Lead Underwriters, and Bookrunners, Land Bank of the Philippines, RCBC Capital Corporation, and Unicapital, Inc., in connection with the Php9.1 Billion 7-year 7.7700% bonds (the “Bonds”) issued by DoubleDragon Corporation (“DoubleDragon”).

ACCRALAW as Counsel for DoubleDragon in its PHP 9.1 Billion Debt Securities Program Read More »

ACCRALAW as Counsel to the Joint Lead Underwriters and Bookrunners in SM Prime’s PHP 25 Billion Debt Securities Program

ACCRALAW acted as legal counsel to the Joint Lead Underwriters and Bookrunners, BDO Capital & Investment Corporation, China Bank Capital Corporation, BPI Capital Corporation, First Metro Investment Corporation, Land Bank of the Philippines, PNB Capital and Investment Corporation, and Security Bank Capital Investment Corporation, in connection with SM Prime Holdings, Inc.’s (“SM Prime”) issuance of Twenty Five Billion-Peso (Php25,000,000,000.00) Series Y, Z, and AA Fixed Rate Bonds

ACCRALAW as Counsel to the Joint Lead Underwriters and Bookrunners in SM Prime’s PHP 25 Billion Debt Securities Program Read More »

New Rules on the Issuance of Alien Employment Permits to Foreign Nationals in the Philippines

The Philippines has long upheld a policy of promoting full employment and the preferential use of Filipino labor. To support this goal, the State regulates the employment of foreign workers through the issuance of the Alien Employment Permit (“AEP”) after strict compliance with the requirements of the law.

New Rules on the Issuance of Alien Employment Permits to Foreign Nationals in the Philippines Read More »

Game-Changer for E-Commerce: How R.A. No. 12023’s VAT Rules will Reshape Digital Transactions in the Philippines

The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) has released the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) for Republic Act (R.A.) No. 12023 or the Digital Service Act, imposing 12% Value-Added Tax (VAT) on digital services provided by both resident and non-resident Digital Service Providers (DSPs). This legislation introduces a significant shift for non-resident DSPs, ensuring that they are subject to the same tax obligations as local businesses.

Game-Changer for E-Commerce: How R.A. No. 12023’s VAT Rules will Reshape Digital Transactions in the Philippines Read More »

Boosting stock trade: A closer look at CMEPA

The Capital Markets Efficiency Promotion Act (“CMEPA”), currently known as Senate Bill No. 2865, has been approved on Third Reading by the 19th Congress. The objective of our lawmakers in passing the CMEPA is to introduce reforms that may help boost trading in the Philippine Capital Markets by providing a simpler, fairer, more efficient, and regionally competitive passive income tax system.

Boosting stock trade: A closer look at CMEPA Read More »

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