
Alex Ferdinand S. Fider in UP College of Law’s Colloquium on Universal Health Care and Access to Medicine

ACCRALAW Senior Partner Alex Ferdinand S. Fider participated in the University of the Philippines (“UP”) College of Law’s Academe-Industry Colloquium on Universal Health Care and Access to Medicine held on 18 September 2024. The colloquium was held at the Malcolm Theater, UP College of Law. Mr. Fider teaches Intellectual Property Law at the UP College

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What Exactly is Financial Leasing? Definition, Issues, and Requisites

Under Republic Act No. 8556, also known as the Financing Company Act of 1998 (“FCA”), the term financial leasing refers to a mode of extending credit under which the lessor purchases or acquires, at the instance of the lessee, movable or immovable property in consideration of the periodic payment by the lessee of a fixed amount of money over a period of not less than two (2) years during which the lessee has the right to hold and use the leased property.

What Exactly is Financial Leasing? Definition, Issues, and Requisites Read More »

ACCRA Cebu Lectures at PMAP Cebu Seminar

On 6 September 2024, ACCRALAW Partner Louie John D. Lood and Associate Chrisha Ver R. Romano-Weigel delivered lectures on important developments on labor and employment laws at a seminar organized by the People Management Association of the Philippines (“PMAP”) Cebu Chapter. The seminar was held at Marco Polo Plaza Hotel and attended by management representatives

ACCRA Cebu Lectures at PMAP Cebu Seminar Read More »

Patents and the Doctrine of Equivalents: Insights from Phillips Seafood Philippines Corporation vs. Tuna Processors, Inc.

The language of the claims limits the scope of protection granted by the patent. The patentees, in enforcing their rights, and the courts, in interpreting the claims, cannot go beyond what is stated in the claims, especially when the language is clear and distinct.

Patents and the Doctrine of Equivalents: Insights from Phillips Seafood Philippines Corporation vs. Tuna Processors, Inc. Read More »

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