
ACCRALAW’s Successful Defense of Maria A. Ressa and Rappler Holdings Corporation’s Tax Case

ACCRALAW acted as defense counsel for Nobel Laureate Maria A. Ressa and Rappler Holdings Corporation (“RHC”) in a criminal case for tax evasion filed with the Regional Trial Court of Pasig City (“RTC Pasig”). To recall, after trial, Ms. Ressa and RHC were acquitted in a Decision dated 12 September 2023.

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Waiver, Release, and Quitclaim by employees: When are they legally binding and when are they invalid

Will a Waiver, Release, and Quitclaim executed by an employee really forever release and discharge the employer from any action, damages, demands, and any further liability whatsoever arising from employment? Case law tells us that it depends.

Waiver, Release, and Quitclaim by employees: When are they legally binding and when are they invalid Read More »

AI and the Law

The Integrated Bar of the Philippines Journal and the Philippine Bar Association (“PBA”) organized a legal forum entitled “AI and the Law”. It was a forum open to all law practitioners and students interested to learn the basics of artificial intelligence and its impact on Philippine laws. More than 100 lawyers attended and earned Mandatory

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ACCRALAW as Counsel to the Underwriters for DoubleDragon’s Php6 Billion Bond Issuance

ACCRALAW acted as counsel to the Joint Issue Managers, Joint Lead Underwriters and Bookrunners, RCBC Capital Corporation, Unicapital, Inc., and Development Bank of the Philippines, in connection with the Php6 Billion Pesos 3.5-year 8.0080% Bonds (the “Bonds”) issued by DoubleDragon Corporation (“DoubleDragon”).

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ACCRALAW as Counsel to the Underwriters for Megawide’s Php5 Billion Fixed-Rate Bond Offering

ACCRALAW acted as counsel to the Joint Issue Managers, Joint Lead Underwriters, and Bookrunners, PNB Capital and Investment Corporation, RCBC Capital Corporation, and SB Capital Investment Corporation, in connection with Megawide Construction Corporation’s offering of Php5 Billion Fixed Rate Bonds, comprised of 7.6348% Series C Bonds due 2027, 8.0580% 5-year Series D Bonds due 2029, and 8.4758% 7-year Series E Bonds due 2031.

ACCRALAW as Counsel to the Underwriters for Megawide’s Php5 Billion Fixed-Rate Bond Offering Read More »

Engaging individual independent contractors in the Philippines

Contracting out of services is recognized and allowed under Articles 106 to 109 of the Philippine Labor Code. These provisions are implemented by Department of Labor and Employment (“DOLE”) Department Order No. 147-17 (“DO 174”) which defines “contracting” or “subcontracting” as an “arrangement whereby a principal agrees to farm out with a contractor the performance or completion of a specific job or work within a definite or predetermined period, regardless of whether such job or work is to be performed or completed within or outside the premises of the principal.”

Engaging individual independent contractors in the Philippines Read More »

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