
The Employee’s Right to Receive or Refuse a Vaccine

In a few weeks from now, Metro Manila and parts of the country will mark their first anniversary of being placed under some form of community quarantine. At least until the end of February, Metro Manila and seven other major cities or regions will remain under the General Community Quarantine regime, while other parts of the country will be under the more lenient Modified General Community Quarantine.

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Ministerial Function: A Closer Look at the Congress’s Role in Certifying Presidential and Vice-Presidential Election Results

On 20 January 2021, Former United States Vice President Joseph R. Biden was finally sworn in as the 46th President of the United States of America. However, his path towards the presidency was not without its challenges. Aside from the campaign obstacles brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, President Biden had to face the most unorthodox politician of modern day, former U.S. President Donald J. Trump, who, even before the elections, declared that the only way to lose his seat would be through a large-scale election fraud.

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CREATE Benefits Small Businesses

CREATE (Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises Act) has been certified for immediate passage by March 9. It is up to Congress to meet this deadline.

Why the rush? The deadline is set in March when most companies finalize their financial statements and tax returns for the previous year. If the deadline is met, companies will be able to revise their corporate tax payable downwards before they are required to pay them in April.

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New DOLE Guidelines for Additional Protection of Kasambahay

In a recent survey conducted by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), about 1.4 million Filipinos are working as domestic workers or “kasambahay.” They consist of about 3.2% of the labor force in the Philippines as of October 2020. The kasambahay is often considered an essential member in many households across the country. But despite their important role, however, their benefits under the law are often disregarded.

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Corporate Meetings Made More Convenient Through Remote Communication or in Absentia

As we begin a new year, most corporations would have to go through the usual process of electing their directors or trustees and officers. Previously, meetings were mostly in-person, but such proved to be difficult, if not unsafe, given the pandemic and the prohibition of large in-person gatherings that came with it.

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The Proposed Internet Transactions Act and the Uncertainties in Online Retail

Online retail and other e-commerce services are now a mainstay of Philippine commerce. The exponential rise and consequent prevalence of online purchases are partly due to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns that have constrained the everyday consumer to stay at home. This holiday season, Shopee, an e-commerce platform, reported that its “12.12” Christmas sale broke records with around 12 million products sold in the first 24 minutes of the sale.

The Proposed Internet Transactions Act and the Uncertainties in Online Retail Read More »

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