Government and Legislative Advocacy

The Firm’s lawyers are at the forefront of drafting landmark legislation including lobbying before legislative bodies, such as the Special Purpose Vehicle Act of 2002, the Securitization Law, the Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act (FRIA), Real Estate Investments Trust Act (REITA), Personal Equity and Retirement Account Act (PERAA), Credit Information System Act (CISA), GOCC Governance Act of 2011, and corporate restructuring reforms. The Firm was also involved in drafting the bills on Collective Investment Schemes and Stock Market Competitiveness Act (SmartCA). ACCRALAW’s lawyers played a major role in the passage of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Law and the drafting of the Special ADR Rules as well as in the drafting of the proposed revisions to the Rules on Civil Procedure. The Firm has assisted clients invited to appear before senate and congressional investigations and hearings.

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