
Chrysilla Bautista’s Re-Election to the Philippine Bar Association

Chrysilla Carissa P. Bautista, ACCRALAW Partner, has been recently re-elected as one of the Trustees of the PBA. She has also been elected as Assistant Treasurer for this current term. During her initial term as Trustee, she chaired the PBA’s Business Committee. She also helped re-establish its website that allowed the PBA to share its position on pressing national issues.

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Lower Barriers to Entry in the Retail Industry

Based on the latest Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) regulatory restrictiveness index of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Philippines obtained a score of 0.374 on a scale of 0 (open) to 1 (closed). In terms of ranking, the Philippines has the third most restrictive FDI rules out of 83 countries included in the OECD’s study.

Lower Barriers to Entry in the Retail Industry Read More »

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