Amicus Curiae

Copyright Protection Over The Works of the Government

There is no contention that the public has every right to be freely apprised of the laws governing their daily lives. In a democracy, the power of the government to create, interpret, and implement laws is sourced from the people. Thus, “edicts of government” such as statutes and judicial opinions per se are not subject to exclusive ownership and/or commercial exploitation in the context of copyright, not even by the government itself.

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Stop Debt Collection Harassment

In these times when loans are easily available through online consumer financing or other private lending companies, when there is easy access to online cash loans without any collateral requirements, complex approval procedures, or prolonged application waiting time, many people resort to purchasing their personal needs and wants by obtaining loans through the aforesaid manner.

Stop Debt Collection Harassment Read More »

The 2019 HCCH Judgments Convention and the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in the Philippines

In a global world where cross-border transactions are commonplace, disputes inevitably arise. Considering the difference in the substantive laws and procedures in different jurisdictions, the resolution of these disputes requires multilateral agreement and cooperation between and among states.

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The 2019 HCCH Judgments Convention and the enforcement of foreign judgments in the Philippines

In a global world where cross-border transactions are commonplace, disputes inevitably arise. Considering the difference in the substantive laws and procedures in different jurisdictions, the resolution of these disputes requires multilateral agreement and cooperation between and among states. Thus, one of the keys issues in this field of human enterprise is the recognition and enforcement of foreign court decisions.

The 2019 HCCH Judgments Convention and the enforcement of foreign judgments in the Philippines Read More »

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