
The PCC’s draft joint venture guidelines

Just recently, the Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) published the draft Joint Venture Guidelines (Draft Guidelines) aimed to help businesses determine when a joint venture shall be subject to compulsory notification pursuant to its power to issue guidelines on competition matters for the effective enforcement of the Philippine Competition Act (PCA).

The PCC’s draft joint venture guidelines Read More »

Electronic documents/data are covered by subpoena powers of the Philippine Competition Commission

One of the policy declarations of the Philippine Competition Act (Republic Act No. 10667, or the PCA) is to “[p]enalize all forms of anti-competitive agreements, abuse of dominant position and anti-competitive mergers and acquisitions, with the objective of protecting consumer welfare and advancing domestic and international trade and economic development [Section 2(c)].

Electronic documents/data are covered by subpoena powers of the Philippine Competition Commission Read More »

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